If you have taken the time and spent the money on revamping your natural lashes with eyelash extensions, then chances are that you are going to want to make sure that your investment lasts as long as possible. With this in mind we thought that it would be worthwhile taking a look at the best ways to extend the life of your eyelash extensions and have them looking amazing for as long as possible.
Eyelash Extensions Berkhamsted
The most important thing that you need to remember about eyelash extensions is that there is a natural shedding process. This means that no matter how much care you take of them and no matter how well they are glued on, there will still be some that you lose along the way.
However, you do need to still take care of your eyelash extensions on a day to day basis. Along with this, there are a few things that you need to in order to make sure that you do and don’t do to your lashes.
Avoid Touching Them
It is incredibly important that you avoid rubbing or pulling on your lashes. This will loosen the adhesive that has been used to attach your lashes and also will disrupt the structure of your lashes and how they look. If you find that they are feeling uncomfortable, then you need to use a q-tip in order to reduce the pressure on your lashes along with whatever is causing the friction.
Clean & Clear
Whilst we have told you to leave your lashes well alone, it is still important that you need to wash your lashes on a regular basis. Every day if you can, especially if you wear makeup. This is because washing your lashes will remove dust, make-up and the natural build-up of oils from your skin, all of which can affect how long they last, as well as how good they look.
You need to use a gentle cleanser that is totally oil-free as it is oils that will remove the adhesive and leave your false lashes weaker. You also need to make sure that you do not rub them too hard during cleaning.
Brush Your Lashes
It may sound odd, but the final thing that you need to do for your lashes is to make sure that you brush them. It is important to brush your lashes as this will help them to stay in the natural position that they would have been glued in as long as possible. Sleeping, blinking and heading outside in the wind are all going to leave your lashes looking a bit bedraggled, so, having a lash brush to hand is a great way to keep them pointing in the right direction.
The good news when it comes to lash extensions is that they don’t have to be too much work. In fact, you can keep them looking good with minimal effort and minimal tools. Just work their care into your everyday routine and in no time at all it will become second nature. For expert application and great advice on keeping your lashes looking fabulous for longer book an appointment with the team at Cecily Day Spa in Berkhamsted today.